Software Engineer with a slight bias towards front-end/UIUX development.
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My personal Open Source projects. Click to check them out!
一緒【いっしょ】Issho is a collaboration tool which works similar to Google Docs.
MongoDB ReactJS Socket.ioA mock WEB 3.0 website that enables minting of the Ghetto Kitties NFT.
ReactJS JavaScript SolidityA modular hybrid dashboard comprising of common industry-used components.
ReactJS JavaScriptSome of my work samples from past internships and jobs.
Spearheaded prototypes for pre-sales teams, most notably an automated service order workflow utilising SAP Process Automation, ODataV4 APIs, and a custom flask web service that consumes Azure OpenAI gpt-4 and vision model Llava-1.6.
Tech stack: Flask, SAP Build Process Automation, Artificial Intelligence, LangChain, Kubernetes(Kyma)Front-end developer for Project Orbit as part of the R&D department.
Orbit aims to streamline heavy eSIMs provisioning processes, and increase management control and overwatch for corporate eSIMs.
Full-stack developer for Circles.Life Dare to Roam campaign.
This mobile web application serves approximately ~1500 users for a live event,
acting as a companion app as users go around Singapore to complete challenges.
Front-end engineer.
Improved tooling and performance of the Omnichannel platform.
Instrumented tracing to increase e2e observability across different services.
Articles that I have written. Click to check them out!
Programming languages and skills that I have worked with.
Hackathons and events that I have participated in.
1st Place
Built an investment simulation application to help raise the public awareness of Sustainable Investment.
Click here to view source codePARTICIPANT
Shopee Code League is a 2-week coding league consisting of challenging algorithmic puzzles.
Code Jam is Google's longest running global coding competition, where programmers of all levels put their skills to the test.
Participated in the annual Meta Global Hackathon to solve challenging algorithmic puzzles and bring new ideas to life.